How many currency pairs does PowerPay support?
PowerPay supports over 70 currency pairs including frontier currencies.
Convert GBP,EUR & USD to USDT in seconds.
Real time prices allow you to have the most competitive and transparent prices.
We cover major currencies but also provide liquidity in Frontier and Emerging markets.
We settle GBP, EUR and USD in seconds and provide T+0 settlement in a number of currency pairs.
Dedicated support 24/7
Serving and assisting
individuals from over
Our easy to use web app is intuitive and will get you set up in no time.
Fill in your details and create a profile in a few minutes.
Once your account has been verified, deposit Fiat via bank transfer or another wallet to your Powerpay wallet address.
Enjoy passive daily interest by simply following the steps under the Earn section on the web application
PowerPay supports over 70 currency pairs including frontier currencies.
PowerPay uses crypto as a means for conversion as customers can send their USDT to any desired fiat currency of their choice seamlessly without friction.
PowerPay updates each and every client with a real time acess to their position via the web application and also via an end of day report sent by email daily.
Crypto assets are available 24/7 and operate without geographical borders. Payments are instant and also eliminates the use for intermediaries. The costs of transactions are very low.